Résumé Print Résumé
Animal Action |
Lead |
Grace St Prod/Colleen Conroy |
Table for Two |
Lead |
Scalatar Prod/Lindsay Crystal |
Dish |
Friend |
Chefmem Prod/Maura Martin |
Lunch with Otis |
Girlfriend |
Del Rosal Prod/Justin Foran |
Up Front |
MTV Productions |
The Best I’ve Ever Seen |
Playwrights Horizons |
The Most Massive Woman Wins |
HERE/Elizabeth Elliot |
Yerma |
The Lindhart Theater/Susana Tu |
Book of the Night |
The Greenwich Street Theater |
Intermezzi |
The Hudson Guild Theater |
Physical Characteristics / Measurements |
Height: 5'5" |
Weight: 130 lbs |
Running - Long Distance, Swimming - freestyle, Yoga, Licensed Driver, Singer, Vocal Range: Soprano, Vocal Style: Belt, Vocal Style: Legit, Voiceover, American - Southern Accent, American - Standard/General Accent, South African Accent