Age: 10

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Many ScreenTest Credits

Feature Film

Christmas With Jerks

Riley Tippett (Supporting)

Leanna Adams (AppleTV, Amazon)

Going Once, Going Twice

Young Morgan (Lead)

Joni Brummett

The Time Traveler

Ivy Romanov Child (Supporting Lead)

Manya Goel

Children Don't Deserve Water

Mary (Lead)

Yusra Khan

The Next Thing I Know, I'm Dead

Laura (Lead)

Victoria Gunawan


Little Sarah (Supporting)

Lydia Jin

Commercials & Voice Overs



Camelbak Campaign


The Actor's Scene

Foundations of Acting - 6 Week Course

Molly Pass

The Actor's Scene

Foundation of Acting - 1 Year Course

Kate Leek

The Actor’s Scene

On Camera Technique

Rick Goins

The Actor's Scene

Improv Intro

John Castle

The Actor's Scene

The Self-Taped Audition

Rick Goins

Get Scene Studios

Theatrical Audition Technique

Elaine Valdes

Child Actor 101

Charisma Counts

Corey Ralston

Private Lessons

Alicia Kelley

Rosalie is located in Georgia, FULLY VACCINATED and has a current passport. She also has active work permits in NY and LA. She loves playing outdoors and creating things.

Physical Characteristics / Measurements

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 56 lbs

PASSPORT EXP 01/04/27, Rope Tree Climbing, Gymnastics, Swimming - ability - general, Dance - Pole Dancing, Modeling, American - Standard/General Accent