Age: 14
Résumé Print Résumé
Moana Jr. |
Moana |
Musical Theater Southwest |
Anastasia Jr. |
Ensemble |
Cardboard Playhouse Theatre |
Seussical the Musical Jr. |
Gertrude |
Bosque Prep School |
Mean Girls Jr |
Ensemble |
Cardboard Playhouse Theatre |
Shrek Jr |
Fiona (Lead) |
Bosque Prep School |
Annie Jr. |
Ms. Hannigan (Lead) |
Manzano Day School |
Rodeo |
National Anthem |
New Mexico State Fair |
Showcase |
Showcase |
Musical Theater Southwest |
Showcase |
Showcase |
Musical Theater Southwest |
All State Choir |
Choir songs |
New Mexico |
911 Memorial |
National Anthem |
City of Albuquerque |
Veteran's Day Assembly |
National Anthem |
Manzano Day School |
United Soccer Game |
National Anthem (2X) |
New Mexico United |
Mayor's Inauguration |
National Anthem |
City of Albuuquerque |
Drama/Choir |
Bosque Prep School |
Julia Manganaro |
Film & TV Acting I for Youth |
Actor's Playhouse |
Doug Montoya |
Musical Theater/Drama |
New Mexico Young Actors |
Paul Bower |
Drama I |
Manzano Day School |
Doug Montoya |
Dance-Jazz- Musical Theater |
Plays Piano |
Tennis |
Singing-Classical & Contemporary |
Plays Cello |
Physical Characteristics / Measurements |
Height: 5'4" |
Weight: 118 lbs |
Cycling, Diving, Equestrian - General, Equestrian - Western, Roller Skating, Swimming - ability - general, Tennis, Volleyball, Cello, Dance Jazz, Orchestral String Instruments, Piano, Singer, Vocal Range: Soprano, Vocal Style: Legit