Age: 17

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Morgan “Cutie” Rodriguez E-mail: Date of Birth: 3/22/2007 Height: 48 inches Weight: 55 pounds Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Dark Brown (long to waist) Shoe Size: 13 Clothing Size: 7 Age: 7 Acting Age Range: 6-10 Passport: yes Pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, rabbit, guinea pig, 2 tortoises, bird, fish, snails, mini horse, donkey, goat, pig Unions: none SS: none E Ethnicity: (Multi-ethnic) Manager: Nicole Rodriguez Morgan Comp Card Pic Acting & Modeling Objectives: •Films

Physical Characteristics / Measurements

Height: 4'

Weight: 58 lbs

Elite Junior Golfer, Golf, Swimming - ability - general, Dance Hip Hop